.Dancers. Friends. Daughters. Sisters of Islam.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Why SNT is awesome

hey girls! your new blog mistress is here! *ehem ehem*
ive decided that my first official post shall be 'bout why i think the SNT family is awesome. I know ( hope! ) that you girls will agree with me on this, 'cause i think ( hope! ) that the feeling and sentiments are mutual.
here goes!

first and foremost, dance is a beautiful art form. no matter what genre of dance you go in to, the principle is the same, the expression of words and emotions through movements is the same. dance is about how you tell a story without words, but with ones body. what makes a dance impressionable and memorable is how it is able to touch the audience's heart, how it evokes emotion. that is what makes dance so amazingly beautiful.

what makes a dancer great is not her natural-born talent, rather her ability to work hard to improve and upgrade herself in her art form. a great dancer is one who works at becoming better with every step, one who works at expressing herself ( or himself, i cannot be sexist ) better with every turn. it doesnt matter how good one can dance. at the end of the day, if the movements they make is just that, movements, then they have achieved nothing. every time a dancer accepts a choreography, or choreographs a piece, they work on bringing out the story, character and emotions of the dance. A dancer who can do just that is one to be respected.

and i think that this is what makes Kesenian Si Anak Tari an awesome CCA family. as dancers, Sisters, we give room for each other to grow, we help each other to grow. us girls work pretty darn hard to make things work, and i think we have made things work. what we have? no one can touch it. we may not be the most perfect group of dancers, but we are family. that in itself should account for something. a very BIG something.

SNT of AY 09/10 is, i think, the best that I have ever been in. It was an extremely great year for us, and i have no doubts that the other girls will agree. the bond that we have managed to forge is just amazing, and the group that we have now is much stronger now than it was previously. we have our President Kathy to thank for that. she has worked her butt off to make things work, with the help of the committee of course, and i think she deserves a shout out.

SNT is awesome because we are a bunch of crazy girls doing crazy things bonding through dance. our shared passion. SNT is awesome because we are "SISTERS OF ISLAM". SNT is awesome because we have Abg Yazid and Abg Amin. SNT is awesome because we get along so well. SNT is awesome because we always meet expectations at the end of the day. SNT is awesome because we work hard to come this far. SNT is awesome because we dance like there is no tomorrow. SNT is awesome because the Ladies of SNT are awesome to maxxx!

agreed? Agreed.

Kesenian Si Anak Tari is awesome because it is LOVE times twenty-two ( i hope i counted correctly ) ♥♥♥

your "giant" blog mistress(:

oh and i got idea for next SNT event/outing. bake cupcakes! fun kn? idea idea..haha