.Dancers. Friends. Daughters. Sisters of Islam.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Passing Down Ceremony

after every academic year, SNT will have a passing down ceremony to commemorate the passing over of responsibility from one committee to another.  and mind you, SNT's committee is power okay!  very the big(:

this year, on 9th January 2010, Kesenian Si Anak Tari decided to make it a much more special occasion and hold our Passing Down Ceremony out of school..!  yay!  we decided that Arab St was a good area, and Pyramid's was the lepak spot of choice for us girls. 

the Passing Down Ceremony was an event that was both full of fun, laughter, tears and heartfelt moments.  all in all, it was a great day spent with awesome people to celebrate an amazing year.  the committee of '09/10 passed down their roles to the new committee members of 10/11, 6 awards were given, and 3 farewell speeches were made, 2 shisha-s were ordered, 1 day of awesome-ness.  oh!  and january babies' birthday was celebrated..hehe =p

SNT '09/10

Our three seniors; Zelah, Eefah, Khaty ❤

Committee 10/11

The extremely delicious cake(:

January babies; 25th and 14th

Our award winners; 
From Left; Best Smile, Best Personality & Happy Always, Cute Gegerl,
Best Effort, Most Kechorable, Best President(:
