.Dancers. Friends. Daughters. Sisters of Islam.

Monday, February 21, 2011

TP Open House

HELLO! Finally, a refreshing new post to start off with. Apologies for the lack of updates and the dusty blog! Before I blabber more, I'll update on SNT's previous performances in school(which is kinda outdated but you willwanna know anyway hehe)

As we all know, TP held an open house for 3 days to welcome our secondary school students to feel and have a 'taste' of TP's atmosphere. Without performances from the performing arts group and the blast of hip music, nothing would turn out interesting to capture the students' attention. Right?! Well of course, we were involved in this major event in school! SNT managed to put up 2 performances for 2 consecutive days. Despite the rain, late notice and uncalled-for rush, we still did a great job to pull off an amazing performance on Day 1 and Day 2! Who says SNT can't do their thing? *winks

The massive crowd and loud applause after our performance showed that our efforts paid off! We hope the secondary school students would be motivated to study harder to secure a place in TP and join...... SNT! :)
