.Dancers. Friends. Daughters. Sisters of Islam.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Hey lovelies!
I know its currently the exam period and everyones so stressed up about their papers. Some might even get into some sort of depression or are starting to feel down coz papers were hard. Some are on SIP. And the company you're attached to isnt exactly the one you had expected. Funky colleagues and crazee workload. Driving you nuts and all. So you start to pull your hair and nothing else matters so u under-dress to work or school. Hahaha! Fret not loves, i know you'll all do just fine. In fact i know all of you will do great! So heres a lil somehting to cheer you up during this so-called crazee, stressful period :)

You girls should relax. No point stresing up. Yeah, we have papers, school, work and what not, but we should really give ourselves a break after all the effort we've put in. So... after tomorrow, put aside all those lecture notes and tutorial worksheets and do a lil somehting for yourselves and the people around you...

Prepare Christmas gifts for our Christian friends...

Hang out with your best buds!

and play dress up with them...

Or dress up alike and go out to have fun!

Listen to your favourite songs..

Play your favourite sport...

Play your favourite games...

Feast on your favourite chocolates and candies...

Go for a spa...

Or simply catch up on sleep!

As for me,
I'd rather just go shopping!

hehehe ;p


Hope it made you smile!