Boundaries, rules and regulations were set to get SNT back on track. Its not that i don't love you girls the way you are or how SNT is, but some rules have to be set in order to get things done for formality sake. I hope you girls understand that as an independent group now, or more like since last AY, we should practice some basic rules mentioned last saturday. I hope nobody took it too hard as it was only meant to solve whatever miscommunications we've had thus far. Ive learnt many things from your reflections and i began to understand you girls better. As much as i want to be lenient during trainings and shows, i cant really do that you see. Else, what would SNT turn out to be in the future to come without rules? We, the committee, promise to make trainings fun and exciting and trust me, sejak bila sheiqeen strict sangat? hahaha betol tk? So you see, there must be a balance. Ive read all your reflections. I really took time to sit down in a peaceful environment and read what you girls have written down. Ive also decided to reply to your reflections, so be sure to receive a love letter from me this coming tuesday! hehehe
Thank you all for participating actively in the reflections exercise. Till then, i love you girls :)