Hey babies!
Sorry if the SNT blog has been a little too quiet since Raya Gemilang was aired on suria. Thats coz trainings has been hectic during the puasa month and theres just so many things to do to prepare us all for Seni Lebaran. But no more excuses now coz training pon on hold till after raya. So ill update ya'll on whats gonna happen from now till darul mawa or even ater :) Pay attention everyone, be quiet. *CHEH!*
So firstly,
1)Seni Lebaran @ Darul Ma'wa
Date: 26th September, Sunday
Time: 1pm-6pm (tentative)
For schedule, please refer to your emails. Ive sent it to ya'll :)
Ive also added in one more singing slot for AIDA and NISA to sing. Song: Nazam Lebaran. Find the proper lyrics and practice on your own first. Who sings whhich part will be decided during the next training.
That should be all for Darul Ma'wa, for now.
2)Future Trainings
Date: Sept 14th, 16th, 18th, 21st, 23rd, 24th.
Time: 6-9pm
Venue: To be confirmed, will be informed by text message
3)Jalan Raya
25th of September is the date, confirmed! SNT's date! Time to be confirmed when its nearing.
4)Baju SNT
Designs still in the process. Coz the design Nabilah produced was all excellent except it lacks motives. So we will improve on the design she gave and come up with several other designs to choose from. Designs will be posted up soon, prolly by the end of this week or early next week kalau takder apa apa halangan, InsyaAllah.
5)Dance assignment @ Bedok Police Centre
Date: 6th October
Time: To be confirmed
Number of dancers required: 6 maximum
*All to undergo auditions
So that should be all for now. Ill update you babies again soon~
Love, Sheiqeen :)