.Dancers. Friends. Daughters. Sisters of Islam.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

SNT's 5 by 5;

a little something dear abg amin shared with us...must remember!(:

5 dance basics
  1. Asli
  2. Inang
  3. Masri
  4. Joget
  5. Zapin
5 basics of being a dancer
  1. Gerak ( movement )
  2. Bentuk ( shape )
  3. Rasa ( feel )
  4. Jiwa ( heart )
  5. Harmony
5 pillars of Islam
  1. Iman ( Faith )
  2. Solat ( Prayers )
  3. Zakat
  4. Puasa ( Fasting )
  5. Haji
5 social advices
  1. Respect your parents
  2. Respect your Guru ( teacher )
  3. Respect your seniors
  4. Respect yourself
  5. Love your enemies
5 amin advices
  1. Don't expect to be praised
  2. Dance for Passion or Beauty?
  3. ( paiseh cant remember the rest!  *blush* a little help please..? )

sorry, dearies, the last three advices escape me..if anyone remembers, do tell me so i can complete our 5 by 5!(:
