Yesterday was SNT's first production for the year.
And it turned out BOOMSZ!!
After all the trainings and pushing,
it finally paid off.
We're all proud to be in SNT! :)
Thank you to all who came to support us,
Who came to cheer for us.
You guys gave us the encouragement to dance even better.
Thank you Abang Yazid for the awesome choreography and for pushing us to improve to become better dancers.
Not to forget, this is for you too Abang Amin :))
Costume kita BOOMS! Performance kita GOLD!
SNT Dancers kita AWESOME...
and mentel hehehehe ;p
Here are the piccas... ENJOY!
Yesterday was SNT's first production for the year.
And it turned out BOOMSZ!!
After all the trainings and pushing,
it finally paid off.
We're all proud to be in SNT! :)
Thank you to all who came to support us,
Who came to cheer for us.
You guys gave us the encouragement to dance even better.
Thank you Abang Yazid for the awesome choreography and for pushing us to improve to become better dancers.
Not to forget, this is for you too Abang Amin :))
Costume kita BOOMS! Performance kita GOLD!
SNT Dancers kita AWESOME...
and mentel hehehehe ;p
Here are the piccas... ENJOY!
This is SNT for you! LOL!
SNT is Love :)
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