.Dancers. Friends. Daughters. Sisters of Islam.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Persada Juara Tari.

Lets applaud SNT for doing their best!
Even though we didnt win top 5,
We know we have indeed put in our outmost effort to put together the piece Abang Yazid choreographed for the competition.
To SNT babies, do not feel disappointed as we still have many opportunities out there to emerge winner in future.
Cuma sekarang bukan rezeki kita.
So smile :D

Thank you to Abang Yazid especially for the very sexy piece,
And not to forget Kak Shikin and all who came to help and support.
To Abang Amin, the dance was also for you :)

Nice job SNT Babies *Kening naiks naiks*

Enjoy the video pips :D

SNT will continue to improve.
Say what girls??

**Girls, kalau ada gambar lagi passing passing yer, leh upload :)